DANCE 1YEAR (500000) Length: YearAvailable for: 9 - 12 Fee: $15 This year-long class is a beginning course for students who have little or no previous dance training and experience. The course introduces students to elements of contemporary dance technique, composition, choreography and performance. Students will participate in two performances during the year and will be required to attend a few after school rehearsals.
DANCE 1A SEMESTER (500101) Length: Semester Available: 9 - 12 This class is a beginning course for students who have little or no previous dance training and experience. Students will explore the elements of dance, a variety of genres, styles, and cultural movement practices. Students will participate in one performance during the semester and will be required to attend after-school rehearsals
DANCE 2 (500100) Length: Year Available for: 10 -12 This class may have a feeApproval or previous enrollment in a high school Dance 1 course required for enrollment in this class. This class is for intermediate students who have had some previous dance training and experience. Students will further their development of contemporary dance technique elements and deepen their understanding of compositional and choreographic ideas. Students will participate in two performances during the year and will be required attend a few after school rehearsals. Fees: $10.00* per semester. (Additional performance fees.)
DANCE 3 (500200)\ Length: Year Available for: 11 & 12 Fees: $10.00* per semester. (Additional performance fees.)Approval or previous enrollment in a high school Dance 1 and 2 courses required for enrollment in this class. This class is for intermediate/advanced students with substantial prior training and experience. Students are expected to have background knowledge of dance technique as they are challenged to improve their skills and engage in increasingly difficult movement combinations and compositional assignments. Students will participate in two performances during the year and will be required attend a few after school rehearsals.
DANCE 4 (500250) Length: Year Available for: 9 - 12 This class may have a fee Approval required for enrollment in this class. This class is primarily focusing on dancers technique. Students who will be taking Dance Company or Drill are strongly recommended to take this course.
BEGINNING SOCIAL DANCE (607461) Length: Semester Available for: 9,10, 11, & 12 Fee: $10 This class may have a fee. The focus of this semester-long beginning social dance course is to give students experience in basic styles and various steps of ballroom and social dances while learning proper dance etiquette, social skills, teamwork, dance history, and culture. Students will also learn and explore the elements of dance (time, space, and energy) and how each relates to partnering. Styles include, but are not limited to Line Dances, Waltz, Cha-Cha, and a self-created social dance.
ADVANCED SOCIAL DANCE (500400) Length: Year Available: 10 - 12Fees: $10.00* per semester The focus of this year-long advanced social dance course is to give students experience in basic styles and various steps of ballroom and social dances, while learning proper dance etiquette, social skills, teamwork, dance history and culture. Students will also learn and explore the elements of dance (time, space, and energy) and how each relates to partnering. Styles include, but are not limited to Foxtrot, Waltz, Viennese Waltz, East Coast Swing, Cha Cha, and Rumba. Prerequisite: Students must sign up with a partner, but also acknowledge that assigned partners will rotate throughout the year. Students will participate in two performance opportunities during the year.
DANC1010 (Introductory to Dance) Length: Semester Available for grades:10 - 12 Fee: $15/$30 An introduction to dance providing a knowledge base from which to experience dance from a variety of viewpoints: historically, culturally, aesthetically, critically, and creatively. This course takes a close-up look at the rules, messages, and meanings embodied in dance around the world. This is a writing intensive course. Students are expected to attend dance concerts and cultural dance experiences outside regularly scheduled class time. Open to all students. This is also a CE course that fulfills a general education Creative Arts and a Diversity requirement for any college or University. The fee is $30 for Weber enrollment and then $5 each credit. It is a 3 credits class.
DANCE COMPANY (6075000) Length: YearAvailable for: 10 - 12 Fees: $150.00*+ (Additional performance and camp fees.) Audition and teacher approval required for enrollment in this class. Dance 4 is a strongly advised prerequisite. This class is an advanced dance class with a focus on choreography, rehearsal and performance. Dancers must have a strong, technical and performance background as well as significant prior training and understanding of dance elements. The class requires a substantial level of discipline, dedication and time. The purpose of Dance Company is to refine skills in advanced dance technique, choreography, and performance while fostering an artistic and creative experience. Along with personal artistic development, Dance Company provides students with professional performance opportunities preparing them for college and professional dance experiences. Students will participate in numerous school and community performances throughout the year including: Dance Company Concert, Winter and Spring Showcase, the fall school musical, and will be required to attend after school rehearsals.
CONCERT BAND (509400)Length:YearAvailable for: 9 - 12 This class may have a fee Prerequisite: No audition required, but the student MUST have completed at least one year of band in junior high school Concert Band is an intermediate ensemble. Students should have at least one year of experience on their instrument. This course will focus on fundamentals of musicianship in a large band setting. This is a training band class for those students wishing to improve on their musical playing techniques as well as expand their musical understanding through study in music theory, music history, and music literature as encountered in the class repertoire. Additionally, students will learn many non-musical skills such as dedication, discipline, positive attitude, critical thinking, self-esteem, confidence, and respect. The first term is marching band, while the remaining terms consist of pep band, solos and ensembles, and concerts. This is a performing ensemble and all members will be expected to participate in all concerts, rehearsals, and performances.
MARCHING BAND (509300)Length: YearAvailable for: 9 - 12This class may have a fee Prerequisite: Audition and instructor signature This class is intended only for Color Guard members who will be participating with the marching band in the fall and the winter guard/band during the winter months. The primary goal of this group is to provide young people with an experience in music that is both enjoyable and educational and serves as a source of school spirit and pride. The elements of music are taught through this existing medium of performance on the football field and on the basketball court. Students who don’t play another instrument will learn how to play percussion. Students will learn and demonstrate marching and additional fundamentals as demanded by the show and music and perform at various competitions and athletic or community events. This is a performing ensemble, and all members will be expected to participate in all rehearsals and performances
GUITAR I (Beginning Guitar) (508511) Length: SemesterAvailable for: 9 - 12 This class may have a fee Students will learn basic guitar fundamentals such as music notation, scales, chord symbols, tablature, and various technical guitar skills. These skills will be taught through the playing of folk, contemporary, and popular music. This course is taught using acoustic guitar techniques and requires the use of the student’s own acoustic guitar. The course is designed to follow different levels of basic performing skills. Each skill level must be completed before moving to the next. Approximately one week will be spent on each skill level; however, students may pace themselves if each level is completed by the end of the semester
GUITAR II (Intermediate Guitar) (508551)Length:SemesterAvailable for: 10 - 12 This class may have a Fee Prerequisite: Beginning Guitar must have been completed Students will learn higher- level guitar fundamentals such as scales, chord symbols, tablature, improvisation, arranging/composing music, and various technical guitar skills. These skills will be taught through the playing of folk, contemporary, and popular music. This course is taught using acoustic guitar techniques and requires the use of the student’s own acoustic guitar. The course is designed to follow different levels of advanced performing skills. Each skill level must be completed before moving to the next. Students will also be required to perform in class recitals, as well as other performances as part of their grade
PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE (508250)Length:YearAvailable for: 10 - 12 This class may have a fee Prerequisite: Audition Required The KHS Percussion Ensemble serves in many capacities as part of the Music Department. These students are generally the percussion sections for our Marching Band, Wind Ensemble and Orchestra. In addition to all these responsibilities, we also perform standard (and some not-so-standard) percussion ensemble literature. Due to the varied nature of our performances, students will need to become versatile percussionists by learning and demonstrating the basics on each percussion instrument and developing their musical understanding through study in music theory, music history, and music literature as encountered in the class repertoire. Students must provide their own sticks, practice pads, and mallets. All additional equipment will be provided. Concert Attire: Marching Band for marching season, and Concert Band and Wind Ensemble for concert season.
WIND ENSEMBLE (508100) Length: YearAvailable for: 10 - 12 This class may have a fee Prerequisite: Audition and instructor signature required. The Wind Ensemble is an advanced band group. This course will focus on musical performance skills, technique, and literature. Members will learn and demonstrate advanced playing techniques as well as expand their musical understanding through study in music theory, music history, and music literature as encountered in the class repertoire. Additionally, students will learn many non-musical skills such as dedication, discipline, positive attitude, critical thinking, self-esteem, confidence, and respect. The first term is marching band, while the remaining terms consist of pep band, solos and ensembles, and concerts. Members are expected to be committed to the group and attend all performances. This group has also been known for going on a spring tour out of state
JAZZ ENSEMBLE (509550)Length: SemesterAvailable for: 9 - 12 This class may have a fee Prerequisite: Audition and instructor signature required. The Jazz Ensemble is an elite group for the school’s advanced musicians who are self-motivated, hardworking, and looking for a challenge. The course will focus on advanced instrumental technique, jazz fundamentals, improvisation skills, compositional theory, jazz history, and practical playing skills. Members are encouraged to register for the Wind Ensemble and/or String Orchestra, although it is not a requirement. Members of the Jazz Ensemble will participate in many concerts and performances and must be willing to commit to them throughout the year. Additionally, members will learn many non-musical skills such as dedication, discipline, positive attitude, critical thinking, self-esteem, confidence, and respect. This is a performing ensemble and all members will be expected to participate in all concerts, rehearsals, and performances. This group has also been known for going on a spring tour out of state.
STRING ORCHESTRA (509700)Length: YearAvailable for: 9 - 12 This class may have a fee Prerequisite: No audition required, but the student MUST have completed at least one year of band in junior high school. The String Orchestra gives the opportunity to violin, viola, cello, and string bass players to experience many different varieties of the orchestral music repertoire. The primary focus will be to learn and demonstrate advanced playing techniques as well as expand musical understanding through studies in music theory, music history, and music literature as encountered in the class repertoire. Additionally, students will learn many non-musical skills such as dedication, discipline, positive attitude, critical thinking, self-esteem, confidence, and respect. This is a performing ensemble and all members will be expected to participate in all rehearsals and concerts. This group has also been known for going on a spring tour out of state with our Chamber Orchestra.
CONCERT CHOIR (510900)Length:YearAvailable for: 10 - 12 Fee: $50 Prerequisite: Students should have been in at least one semester of a choir class so that they have a basic understanding of music reading and can move at the pace this course needs. Students also must audition for this class since this is a competitive team. Students must have at least a 2.5 in order to be eligible to compete in UHSAA events and the ability to perform in extra curricular settings reliably.
Concert Choir is for advanced male and female singers. In addition to one concert every quarter, this ensemble performs with other concert choirs in the Granite School District in the annual Veteran’s Day Concert. They also perform at Temple Square in December and a region choir festival in March/April. Students must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA to participate. Members learn to work together in a positive environment. Class content requires students to have mature voices, good musicianship, and a positive work ethic. Participation in 1-2 performances outside of school hours are required each term.
TENOR/BASS CHOIR (510500)Length: YearAvailable for: 9 - 12 This class may have a fee This course is open to all levels of singers to develop the tenor and bass voices. Team building and confidence are learned along with basic music theory and healthy voice production. Participation in one concert performance each term is required.
SOPRANO/ALTO CHOIR (510800)Length: YearAvailable for: 9 - 12 This class may have a fee This non-audition choir provides opportunities to develop soprano and alto voices. Members will learn how to sing in a variety of styles with healthy voice production through rehearsing in a positive environment. Participation in one concert performance each term is required.
MADRIGALS (510530) Length: YearAvailable for: 11 & 12 Fee: $75 Prerequisites: There is a 3.0 GPA requirement because this group has several extra-curricular performances and students must be able to show responsibility and maintain good grades during the performance seasons. Students also need to have participated in at least one semester of choir so that they have a basic music understanding. This is an audition class because of the high level of performance that is required for performances and competition. Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least one term in any choir class AND successful audition. Corequisites: Participation in at least one other KHS Performing Group &/or the School musical. Madrigals are the primary performing group at Kearns High School. This course has limited registration for students who are dedicated, focused, and intent on creating an atmosphere of positivity and hard work. The Madrigals have a rigorous performing and rehearsing schedule including several required performances each term. Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. Possible non-required performance tour offered.
MUSICAL THEATRE (520451) Length: SemesterAvailable for: 9 - 12 This class may have a fee This non-audition course focuses on developing singing, acting, and movement skills in a variety of musical theater performing styles. This class lays the foundation for musical theater song performance by teaching you how to use your own voice type to successfully sing songs from musicals in a variety of styles and eras. Students will be taught to analyze the lyrics and communicate the story through vocal and physical expression. Students will build their audition portfolio and develop auditioning skills. They will learn to overcome stage fright and build confidence through in-class solo and small ensemble performances. There will be one public showcase performance.
TAKE NOTE POP/ VOCAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE (510101)Length: YearAvailable for: 10 - 12 Fee: $50-75 Prerequisite: There is a 2.75 GPA requirement because this group has several extra-curricular performances and students must be able to show responsibility and maintain good grades during the performance seasons. Students also need to have participated in at least one semester of choir so that they have a basic music understanding. This is an audition class because of the high level of performance that is required for performances and competition.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least one term in any choir class & successful audition/consent of the instructor. If you are interested in singing popular and jazz music in a small group, this class is for you! The ensemble will sing a variety of popular music and jazz pieces, both a Capella and accompanied. Members of this small ensemble will have at least one required performance each term including our quarterly concerts and participation in the region festival. Take Note will also perform at occasional school assemblies and performances with Madrigals in December. A maintained GPA of at least 2.75 is required.
MUSIC LISTENING/LITERATURE (507201)Length: SemesterAvailable for: 9 - 12 This class may have a fee MUSIC APPRECIATION/GENERAL MUSIC This class is designed for students with varying levels of music knowledge and interests. Students will listen to and discuss the progression of popular music beginning with the Jazz Age, moving through the beginnings of Rock and Roll, and the many genres that have developed since then. We will also discuss how politics, civil rights, and stereotypes have influenced and been influenced by music in the last 100 years.
AP THEORY AND HARMONY (507180)Length: YearAvailable for: 10 - 12 This class may have a Fee This class is open to students who are interested in learning about music theory, harmony, and the mechanics of how music is composed. Students involved in any music performing group should consider taking this class to enhance their musical ability. This will be a fun class as we learn the ins and outs of music-making. Students who take this course will take the AP Theory exam in the spring, which can be applied towards college credit.
THEATRE I (520111) Length: Semester Available for: 9 - 12 Fee: $15 Theatre 1 is designed to expose students to the world of theatre through a variety of activities, assignments, and performances. As this is an introductory class, you will receive training in many fundamental aspects of the theatre world including pantomime, monologues, scene work and more. You will also develop a sense of confidence, an ability to collaborate, and a critical eye for the arts. We’ll delve into the fundamentals of acting, appreciate the artistry of theatre, and ignite your passion for the dramatic arts. Whether you're stepping into the spotlight for the first time or deepening your appreciation for theatre, this class is a place to learn, grow, and have fun. Embrace the journey, support each other, and let’s create something memorable together. Students should be prepared to be up and moving every day. THIS IS A PERFORMING CLASS! Most of your grade will come from participating and performing for your peers.
THEATRE II (520200) Length: Year Available for: 9 - 12 Fee: $15 Theatre 2 is designed for students who have taken drama before in Junior High, have taken Theatre 1 here at KHS. You will receive extensive training in many fundamental aspects of the theatre including acting, self-written monologues and scene, scene-work, theatre history, and more. You will also continue to develop a sense of confidence, an ability to collaborate, and a critical eye for the arts. Students should be prepared to be up and moving every day. THIS IS A PERFORMING CLASS! Most of your grade will come from participating and performing for your peers.
THEATRE III (520300) Length: Year Available for: 10 - 12 Fee: $15 Prerequisite: Theatre II or Mr. Harrison's approval. Theatre 3 is for advanced theatre students who have already taken Theatre 2 or have Mr. Harrison’s approval. Theatre 3 will receive extensive training in many fundamental aspects of the theatre world including advanced acting techniques and methods, playwriting, Business of Broadway, and many more. This class will also heavily involve Stage Combat and Movement. They will also develop a sense of confidence, an ability to collaborate, and a critical eye for the arts. Students should be prepared to be up and moving every day. THIS IS A PERFORMING CLASS! Most of your grade will come from participating and performing for your peers.
THEATRE IV (520350) Length: YearAvailable for: 11 & 12 Fee:$15 Prerequisite: Theatre 3 or Mr. Harrison's approval Theatre 4 is our more advanced pre-competition acting class for students who have already taken Theatre 3 or have Mr. Harrison’s approval. Theatre 3 will receive extensive training in many fundamental aspects of the theatre world including advanced acting techniques and methods, directing, Business of Broadway, experimental theatre and many more. This class will also heavily involve Stage Combat and Movement. They will also develop a sense of confidence, an ability to collaborate, and a critical eye for the arts. Students should be prepared to be up and moving every day. THIS IS A PERFORMING CLASS! Most of your grade will come from participating and performing for your peers.
MUSICAL THEATRE (Productions Company) (520410) Length: Year Available for: 9 - 12 Fee: $50 Prerequisite:AUDITION ONLY - MR. HARRISON'S APPROVAL NEEDED This Productions Company class is home to the Kearns High Productions Company (ProCo). Productions Company is our elite singing, dancing, and acting company. Students in this company get the opportunity to be in multiple productions, compete in region/state competition, and provide outreach opportunities to our community and local schools. Students will also have the opportunity to perform at school assemblies. Students will learn to sing, act and dance, create their own individual plays, learn professional audition skills, and proper theatre etiquette. All students, with or without experience, are encouraged to audition for this course! Auditions take place in February prior to the new school year.
FILM MAKING (FILM APPRECIATION) (504001) Length: YearAvailable for: 10 - 12 Fee: $15 Do you like to watch and talk about movies? If so, this class is for you. In this class we watch movies in a variety of genres and learn to do a deep analysis of these films. We study numerous genres of film (adventure, film noir, suspense,, science fiction, comedy, drama, blockbusters, etc.), elements of film (lighting, sound, directing, etc.), and important topics in film (marketing, censorship, propaganda, etc.). Whether you're here to deepen your understanding of film or to bring your own filmmaking ideas to life, this is your space to grow, experiment, and share your passion. Together, we'll unravel the intricacies of filmmaking and celebrate the power of storytelling through the lens.
TECHNICAL THEATRE/INTRO TO STAGE CREW (520501) Length: Semester Available for: 9 - 12 Fee: $15 This class dives into the essential concepts that drive the magic behind the scenes. This course is theory and design based and provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the technical aspects of theater, focusing on supporting productions on the Kearns High Theatre Stage. From lighting and sound design to set construction and costume design, and stage management, we’ll explore how theory transforms into the technical artistry of theatre. Students will explore scenic, lighting, costume, props, and sound design, as well as arts management, stage management, dramaturgy, and producing. Through a blend of theoretical study and practical application, students will gain the skills needed for professional work in the field, learning to contribute effectively to the technical and artistic aspects of theatrical productions.
STAGE CREW 1 (691050) Length: Year Available for: 9 - 12 Fee: $15 Prerequisite: Passing grade in Junior High Stage Crew or get approval from KHS Stage Crew teacher. Stage Crew 1 is a year-long technical theater course where you will learn by running the assemblies, musicals, performances & school events here at Kearns High. You will learn through hands-on live-event experience. And you will provide professional audio/visual support to the Performing Arts, SBO’s, clubs, & sports teams. You will learn to repair, setup & run audio & lighting equipment. You will design, construct & paint sets, & learn proper stage management & maintenance. All students will be required to work after-school on rehearsals & performances. “In Back In Black” gaining amazing skills & serving KHS. Prerequisite: Passing grade in Junior High Stage Crew or get approval from KHS Stage Crew teacher.